Yacht Registration

The procedure for registration of pleasure yacht is as follows:

1. In the fact of a yacht is registered in another jurisdiction, the Malta registry would like to see the original Bill of Sale or other document that proves ownership.

2. In case the owner is not resident in Malta, we shall draw up a contract for the appointment of a resident agent In Malta.

The above steps are sufficient for the issuance of a provisional registration certificate, which is valid for navigation and valid for 6 months. In order to obtain permanent registration the following steps must be followed:

3. In case the yacht is registered in another jurisdiction, a deletion certification must be obtained. This certificate certifies that the yacht is no longer registered in that jurisdiction.

4. Carving and Marking Note. The name of the yacht and the port must be marked on the ship. Photos must be taken in order to prove this.

5. ( in case of a radio - a survey must take place by a reputable radio company. )

The procedures for the registration of a yacht for commercial use are more complex. Surveyors must be also engaged in order to certify that the yacht and the equipment are suitable for commercial use.

Contact us in order to receive the fees and costs to register a yacht in Malta.

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